Dr. Freedman is a board-certified pulmonologist based out of New Jersey who provides telehealth services to the Evanston community for conditions including Asthma, Sleep apnea, Pulmonary hypertension, Chronic bronchitis, Sarcoid, Chronic respiratory failure, and Critical Care Medicine.
Telehealth pulmonology appointments in the clinic are like regular clinic appointments except Dr. Freedman will be on a video screen. A trained medical assistant acts as the “presenter” who assists Dr. Freedman in the examination. There is an excellent video monitor with very good resolution and a high-quality electronic stethoscope so that Dr. Freedman can listen remotely to the patient. Dr. Freedman has access to the electronic medical record and x-rays and other tests. Orders are put in the computer and the medical assistant can carry out those orders. Prescriptions are submitted electronically. Sometimes, the telehealth visit is with the patient in the patient’s home using the patient’s home computer or iPhone or android. In those cases, we encourage patients to do some home self-monitoring with pulse oximeter and a blood pressure cuff at home to provide vital signs.
Dr. Freedman believes to provide quality healthcare, especially virtually, he must listen to the patient. He also must explain the illness as well as the therapeutic plan. Therapeutic plans for respiratory illnesses and sleep disorders sometimes tend to be complex. Dr. Freedman has found that if the situation is explained to the patients in sufficient detail, they feel like they are a partner in the management of their illness, and this results in much better compliance because patients are proactively engaged in the management of their illness.
Dr. Freedman is proud to serve patients in Wyoming as he feels rural America is the most underserved population in terms of healthcare and it is necessary to reach out to those patients and overcome the limits of distance. He feels that “telemedicine is necessary to spread the availability of medical care.
Dr. Freedman's Education and Training:
Medical School:
- Medical school – Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey
- University Hospital affiliated program of Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School (University Hospital, Newark, NJ; Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, Newark, NJ; East Orange Veterans Administration Hospital, East Orange, NJ)
- Chief Resident – Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
- Pulmonary fellowship – Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA/Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA
- Pulmonary research fellowship – Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ
- American Board of Internal Medicine-Internal Medicine
- American Board of Internal Medicine-Pulmonary Diseases
- American Board of Internal Medicine-Critical Care - American Board of Sleep Medicine-Sleep Medicine